Russian National Ballet "Kostroma"

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Children Dance School

The founders and the administration of “The Russian National Ballet “Kostroma” Elena and Yuri Tsarenko have always believed in the future of the folk dance in the context of highly specialized professional education development. They are sure that educating artists of this genre helps to preserve centuries-old traditions. They consider doing their bit and making a contribution to the world treasury of culture to be not only their duty but the dearest dream which had been destined to come true in 2001. It was then that the Children Dance School affiliated to “The Russian National Ballet “Kostroma” was opened. Some years later its students became the first graduates of “The Governorate Ballet School” college set up on the School basis.


Everything started small - it was just a classic bar exercise and folk dance parterre. Boys and girls sought to master the basics of choreography as soon as possible and diligently copied the movements of their teachers. That was how the love for dancing art was born in the hearts of little Kostromavites.

Meanwhile the studio grew in popularity. A year later the first ballet class appeared with an aim to prepare students to enter "The Governorate Ballet School” dance college. The children were divided into groups according to their age and thus several groups came into being. Besides in 2005 the college and the studio enrolled many students of schoolchildren from Kostroma and Kostroma region. It was then that the younger group of students aged from 7 to 10 and a new ballet class of children aged from 10 to 13 were formed.
At that time n everyday situation the Dance studio for children was already called "a school" but it was only in 2007 that the school was officially re-named as Children Dance School.

In addition to a successful enrollment of the year 2009 one more preparatory group was organized as well as a ‘zero’ class which the youngest dancers of kindergarten age attend.
As of today there are the following group present:
- a ‘zero’ class
- a preparatory group
- a younger group
- a ballet class

To discover and to develop their students’ abilities at an early stage the teachers of Children Dance School have worked out a special teaching technique. The ‘zero’ class as well as the younger and preparatory groups do rythmics, gymnastics, acrobatics and basics of parterre choreography. The ballet class go in for special disciplines such as basics of folk stage dance, basics of classic dance, historical dance, basics of folk dance, gymnastics and acrobatics.  
Setting up Children Dance School affiliated with “The Russian National Ballet “Kostroma” became the beginning of successful development of education system in the sphere of professional choreography dance. Today Children Dance School is an institution of supplementary education in Kostroma region aiming at esthetic upbringing of the younger generation by means of dance and preparation to enter “The Governorate Ballet School"  (College).

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