Autonomous Non-Profit Organization
The Russian National Ballet “Kostroma” is the solution to the demands of the modern society.
The Russian National Ballet “Kostroma” was founded by Elena and Yuri Tsarenko in 1991 during the stage of the economic and political formation of new Russia. For 25 years afterwards, the Ballet, being the bearer of traditional folk culture, has been living through every historical milestone along with the dynamically developing state.
In all those years the “Kostroma” Ballet has existed in different forms of business organization. Having been a private and then a state institution it eventually became a non-profit autonomous organization, the most rational form of business for the time being. Thus, Autonomous Non- Profit Organization “The National Ballet “Kostroma” is one of the first organizations working in the genre of folk choreography that has successfully taken the advantage of the Theatre Reform, that is still in progress nowadays.
As of today, the Ballet can carry out its activities using market economy mechanisms and setting partner relationships with state and commercial institutions.
Being aware of the importance of the Ballet’s progress for the art and culture of Kostroma Region and beyond, the Region Administration partially supports the Ballet in the form of subsidizing or organizing collaborative projects such as participation of ANO “NBK” in the programme to promote investment and tourist appeal of Kostroma and Kostroma Region.
Bilateral partner relations are crucial for the success of the Ballet: financing on the one hand and image benefits on the other. Investments in this case are always proportional to the results since positive results form the basis for mutually beneficial collaboration.
Such a system allows Elena and Yuri to be free in making conclusions about the cultural policy in Russia and abroad as well as to take the right decisions when it comes to the company’s activities and not to miss the opportunities.
The ability to take part in its own activities and realize its projects certainly proves that the new model of cooperation between ac cultural organization and business institutions or commercial structures - is quite workable.