Russian National Ballet "Kostroma"

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The guest tour of the Small Motherland.
The guest tour of the Small Motherland.
The guest tour was held within the traditional annual project “On Kostroma Land”. It was aimed at cultural entertaining of the people of the region and attending to their need of esthetic development.
The Russian National Ballet “Kostroma” represented Russia at the international fair FIHAV-2009.
The Russian National Ballet “Kostroma” represented Russia at the international fair FIHAV-2009.
There were many huge pavilions built for every participating country on the territory of the international fair FIHAV-2009 which took place not far from the park named after Vladimir Lenin. Pavilion “Russia” stood out on the background of other pavilions thanks to the bright three-coloured flag. Its interior had exhibitions stands and special equipment so that Russian National Ballet “Kostroma” could perform there. The dancers welcomed the guests and the fair participants three times a day and showed choreographic compositions from “Russian National Dance Show” program.
“Kostroma” at Eurovision
“Kostroma” at Eurovision
People from all over the world kept track of the events of the most popular singing competition – Eurovision. Capital of Russia met the long-waited for guests. In 2009 Russia managed to do something nobody had ever done before. From the sensational news of the FIRST Channel and its live broadcasts we knew about the unique organization of Eurovision. We can be proud of the warm welcome of the competitors and all the guests. This is so typically Russian!
The international Day of Dance in Kostroma.
The international Day of Dance in Kostroma.
The traditional solo concert presenting the new program “GreatMysteriousRus” became a long-anticipated present for all the Ballet admirers. The premier shows which had taken place before with the support of Igor Slunyayev, Kostroma region Governor, in Kostroma, Moscow and London, were a great success and gathered full houses.
The Russian National Ballet “Kostroma” in Dubai.
The Russian National Ballet “Kostroma” in Dubai.
On November, 6 Russian National Ballet “Kostroma” took part in Russian-Arabic Gala called "Shahrazad's Stories” which tool place at a popular resort, Dubai. The reason for holding the festival was the summit of the political and business elite aimed at attracting finances to build the first in the city and in all the UAE Orthodox church.
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