Russian National Ballet "Kostroma"

Krasnoselskiy Museum of Jewelry

KRASNOSELSKIY MUSEUM OF JEWELRY AND FOLK ARTS AND CRAFTS – duration: 3 hours (40 minutes for the excursion and the workshop + 1 hour for the journey + 1.5 hours for shopping) – 500 roubles per person (including transport expenses)

The Museum shows the history of how the jewelry developed. It collects the works of jewelers from Krasnoye Selo, studies and advocates the jewelry heritage of folk craftsmen as well as modern art of jewelry artists. The most popular tourist attraction is the unique collection of Krasnoselskaya Filigree that has jewelry items made in the filigree technique. 

The guests of the Museum will have a chance to see the process of making jewelry and to take part in different interactive programs that are actually some real manipulations to produce jewelry items. Everyone will be able to become a jeweler for some time and take home a souvenir made with their own hands during the workshop.


“Krasnograd” is the largest shopping mall of jewelry goods – there are more than 20 boutiques from the producers of silver, gold and diamond jewelry items.  

Copyright © Russian National Ballet “Kostroma”